Self-Catering Accommodation in Mpumalanga: The Must Haves
Self-catering holidays have become really popular in recent years. Not only because they are generally a lot cheaper than the often more luxurious accommodation options, but also because they can afford you more privacy and more time to do your own thing.
When we talk about self-catering accommodation we are basically talking about accommodation which allows you to make your own meals as opposed to being served in an onsite eatery.
This means that when you are booking your self-catering accommodation in Mpumalanga, you need to pack a few things that you wouldn’t normally consider when staying at a catered accommodation facility.
It’s not to say that all self-catering accommodation in Mpumalanga will be the same. Finding out what is available before you make your booking is the smarter way to plan. But generally, if you are going to be staying at such a facility keeping these few helpful tips in mind can make the experience more to your liking.
Must Haves For When You Stay At A Self-Catering Accommodation Guesthouse
- A cooler bag for your ice, meat and any other perishable products.
- Matches and a lighter for the braai or for the fireplace.
- An army knife. You never know when this might come in handy, especially since they have many helpful tools that you can use.
- Extra tea, coffee and sugar. Most self-catering accommodation will have these basic items, but sometimes there isn’t enough for your needs, or perhaps they don’t have the tea and/or coffee that you enjoy. Packing some extras won’t go amiss, and if you don’t use the extras you lose nothing by taking them home.
- A bar of sunlight soap. Spills will happen, but they don’t have to become stains when you have a handy bar of sunlight soap at hand. And it’s not just great for cleaning clothing. It will also come in handy for cleaning dishes.
- A flashlight is a must, especially when you are staying in a rustic and rugged location. When you are not familiar with where you are, a twisted ankle can happen so easily in the dark. Be sure to pack a flashlight to prevent this from happening.
- A corkscrew and a bottle opener. If you are taking drinks with you, this is going to be an absolute lifesaver. This is one simple necessity that many forget to pack and then when the time comes to pop the cork, they realise their mistake.
Bermanzi offers some of the very best self-catering accommodation in Mpumalanga. For both the rustic adventurers as well as those looking for a little more comfort, we have the choice of three great facilities available.
Our guests also have access to our popular hiking trails in Mpumalanga!
The Stables, In the Rocks for 2 and the Vakashani Guesthouse are all self-catering accommodation, and each is designed to provide you with a comfortable place to stay. Our accommodation is also made to be affordable.
Book your stay with Bermanzi and ask about the features that are available with each facility.