When out on a hiking trail in Mpumalanga, surrounded by all of that wilderness, it can be quite easy to come across something you’d rather not. And although it is rare to be hurt by a stealthy arachnid or a hidden critter, you always want to be sure that you do everything you can to not have your hiking trip interrupted by a bite.
Most hiking trails in Mpumalanga are quite natural which means your chances of coming across an animal, and especially an insect, can be quite good. Knowing what to do can keep both you and the creature safe, which is precisely why it is important to know how what to do should you have such an experience.
At Bermanzi, although we might be up in the mountains, we are known to have a couple of animals around and there is always the chance of stumbling upon snake, spider or something else creepy. While our hiking trails are not too far from the starting point, which is our Machadodorp accommodation, it is still good to be as prepared as possible, should something go wrong while you are out and about. So here’s what you need to know.
About Snakes
Of all of the things you can encounter while on the trail, the worst for many people is a snake. Snakes are not only terrifying for some people, but they are also potentially life threatening. The upside though, is that no snake is going to go out of its way to harm you, so don’t worry about being hunted. The downside is that they tend to lie very still under leaves and bushes, which means you can end up stepping on them.
Ideally, you should consider where longish socks and a pair of tough boots when you go hiking, this way should you step on a snake you won’t be bitten. And if you are bitten, you should get back to the accommodation as soon as you can or you should contact your accommodation and get help.
About Spiders and Bugs
Getting bitten by a spider or a bug can be really unpleasant, and the sting can leave a long lasting pain. There is pretty much no way you can avoid being bitten so it is important that you bring along a sting treatment of sorts. This will ease pain and give you enough time to return to base. If the pain persists or you suffer from swelling, you should head to the doctor ASAP.
About Animals
Wildlife can be risky. While an antelope poses very little threat, something like a leopard is to be treated with respect or even feared. When an animal comes across your path, it is important to be very still and then slowly walk back the way you came, if it doesn’t move. Most animals are going to be wanting to get away from you as quickly as possible, so you shouldn’t be overly concerned. But if you come across a big cat, be sure to take it very carefully and remove yourself from the situation as fast and as calmly as possible.